This is a tool for state oral health programs to explore capacity for collection of, access to, and analysis of the data used to calculate maternal and child health (MCH) oral health quality indicators. Please contact us if you would like access to the readiness assessment.
The readiness assessment is organized by the data sources used to calculate the indicators:
Engage Key Stakeholders
The quality indicators rely on different data sources that are likely governed by different state agencies. Completing this assessment provides the opportunity to build partnerships between state oral health program staff, the state MCH director, Medicaid staff, state epidemiologists/data analysts, and other organizations that serve the MCH population to promote data collection, sharing, and reporting.
Support Developing an Action Plan
The findings of the assessment can be used to develop an action plan for reporting indicators with the highest feasibility and to create a longitudinal plan for increasing data collection and reporting capacity. Collaborating on quality indicator reporting can help state programs and other organizations serving the MCH population to jointly identify and prioritize areas to target for oral health care quality improvement.